Well im 25,ive had panic disorder for 5 years now ive tried effexor and those type of drug's.The whole time ive taken xanav been on the same dose over 3 years now exactly,i think i'm immune you know it helps a little.Hypochondria came when i got gerd 3 years ago for 3 years I though i had Cancer.Had the EGD came back perfect.So i was doing fine than the whole heart racing thing started,and my every 10 minute blood pressure taking came into effect.I had the holter monitor 5 years ago fine,and blood work up a year ago good.Ekg done last Friday,was good but my heartrate was over a 100 so when the cardio tryed to liten she said it sounded perfect,but the speed was up probally anxiety,but i will have the echo cardio stress test done and another echo done in 10 days they bumped me up for anxiety reasons.I was cool till last night it was the worst attack of my life,i felt it coming on,but at 10 i wasnt breathing right my left arm was numb tingley,and chest pain,rapid heart rate feeling like i was going to die this lasted steady till past 2.I called a Cardio because my bp went up 3 difreent times one time 152/130,and 140/128.I thought for sure i was going to die on the spot.The Cardio,and a nurse said dtay at home relax,and that it was high because i was pumping up my arm to much.So eventually when i got it down i stopped taking it was 88/56,and the heart rate wasnt a 130's anymore like 80's.Usually its like 55 for me.MY QUESTIONS ARE HOW LONG AND HOW FAST CAN THE HEART RATE GET?COULOD I REALLY HAVE GOTTON MY BP THAT HIGH THEM TIMES?HOW HIGH CAN WE GET WITH ANXIETY?HOW CAN WE TELL IF ITS A HEART PROBLEM OR A ANXIETY PROBLEM,IM ON EDGE FOR THE NEXT 10 DAYS
p.s i know this was long if someone could respond i would love it thank you for reading sorry to bother you people.