You do seem to be getting more confidence! Good for you. Have you spoken to your doctor about some sort of exercise. Perhaps yoga or pilates to really stretch your muscles and relax your body. Please check with your doctor to see if this is something that might work for you.
Hope this helps,
The Panic Center Support Team.
Hey Ellie,
I am also taking 20mg of Celexa. I was on 10mg for a week until yesterday when I upped the dose. I can't wait till it starts to kick in. The only side effects that i have noticed is I feel more tired, and a little stoned.. but I figure that should go away soon. :)
Hi Josie what i mean by the physical symptoms of my anxity, the headache, weakness in my legs the tension across the chest and shoulders that kind of thing. I am currently on 20mgs of citalopram buthave only been on that for a week, before that i was on 10mgs for 4 weeks. I have had all medical tests done only waiting to got an eeg done, and so far everything ok. The only other thing that i would like to ask my doctor is that i would like to get a magnesium levels test done as i have heard that that can contribute to anxiety levels.
What physical symptoms are you speaking of? Have you spoken to your doctor about this? Perhaps you have outgrown any medications. Please let us know how we can help.
The Panic Center Support Team.
Hi Everyone, how are you all doing. Is there someone maybe that could answer me a question that puzzles me. I have started to desensitize mysef with the fear of going out on my own, can anyone tell me the more confidence i get the more the physical symptoms hit me, what does it have to take to get of all these symptoms.Does anyone relate to this? Very confused.