Thank you for sharing you story with us. Please continue to let us know about your success stories. They help everyone have a positive outlook on their own situation.
Everyone needs to be more assertive about their own diagnosis. If they are not sure, then ask. Asking questions will feed your mind and give you more information. This is your body and you have the right to speak your mind. Doctor's are not trying to hide things from you, they are there to help you.
Keep us posted on your success!
The Panic Center Support Team.
Amy thanks honey, I am just feeling worse and worse and I am hetting head and neck pains too, and I think there is something in my head and why am I dizzy and feel so odd, something must be wrong for sure! I have had man EKG's and a stress test so they would have found out by now right if that's what it was!?
I feel like I want to go to the ER again! I have this odd pain under my left rib cage again and left lower back hurts like nuts and dizzy and such! I don't know what is panic, stress and anxiety and what is REAL! This bites! What I mean about real is if it's me who is causing it or is it something else!
Not to scare you but I found out by accident. I
have been in an out patient program at the hospital
dealing with anxiety and I just happened to ask if I
could see my medical records. They said sure
and when I the doctor and i found the test results
from a test I had done(it was an eckocadiogram) 2
months ago we saw that it said i had mitral valve
prolapse and even though at least 4 doctors had
seen that same page we were the only ones that
caught it!!!! I was very upset. As for your question
about dying........I am doing better now that I have
meds for anxiety and depression but I did and still
do at times think I am dying. I have shortness of
breathe and think I am having a heart attack or
chest pain and think the same thing. A few weeks
ago I had a few head aches and was sure I had a
brain tumor!!! I totally understand. I learned in the
out patient program that we have to tell ourselves
with positive sayings that we are ok. We need
support people to call on when we feel anxious. I
am so happy I went into the program...I have found
2 great support people there. I have also realized
that I need structure and a schedule or I start to
think to much and panic. Also, even if you feel like
you can't do go to the store or go
out with a friend remember "Action before
motivation" meaning do it and then you will be
motivated to continue to do it!!! Hope all this
helps!!! Anyone else agree or disagree?? Any
other advice??
Hey Amy, I am happy you found out what is wrong with you! What did they do to find this out? I feel like my heart rate is low then it goes really high and then low again, which could be panic but just wondering if it could be something else? Also my mom said it could be angina (chest pains) or maybe it's something with my stomach (acid or ulcer), who knows!
I am trying to check these all out but I am scared in the mean while! Also ran out of adavan last night too, which bites! I don't want to take meds cause I am scared it will cover up the real problem and I will die of that instead, has anyone else felt that way or walk around thinking there is something really wrong and your dying and no one can find what it is?
Sam S
Not to discourage you but it depends on how severe your anxiety is. I have had severe anxiety now for 2 1/2 months and I still wake up with it every morning. The first thing I do is get out of bed and take a xanax so I don't have to feel it. Than I just try and get thru my day the best I know how. I wish I could be diagnosed with something else that would make me feel so much better. Its like I don't even understand why this is happening. I can't figure out what is making me so anxious and its really starting to get me down. I had anxiety several years ago and that was easy.. just felt it here and there but this time around has been a little much for me to handle.
Hope I didn't discourage you. You may have the kind that is just situational and not with you all the time.
I have had a lot of tests and was told it was all
anxiety and panic and have been through hell for
three months. Just like Sam in the post before I
went to the ER but unlike Sam my misdiagnosis
came after the ER. You see I just found out I have
Mitro valve prolapse and that is why my heart has
been racing and skipping beats. Now MVP also
goes along with panic attacks. I do have anxiety
and panic attacks but that explains some of my
other physical symptoms. i am being treated with
a beta blocker for the MVP and I have an
antidepressent and anti anxiety med and I seem
better. Still I have anxiety and today has been a
bad day!!! I keep thinking I will be well NOW!!!
Does the anxiety ever totally go away???