I had to take out the link you provided. According to our policies and procedures at The Panic Center, we encourage that the posting of other promotional websites be restricted.
I understand that you should be able to share your experiences with members of the group, but unfortunately I have to follow the rules and regulations of The Panic Center. We want to make sure that these sites are helping others and are on the up and up. However we cannot research each and every site out there.
Sorry for the inconvenience. You can however, exchange these links through personal e-mail.
Hello everyone!
I found a wonderfull support group about "Health Anxiety" this is something I have, always thing Im dying of some terrible disease. I just wanted to share this place with others since it has been such a blessing for me. I have joined several support groups and I read and post on them daily. For me I need more then one so people don't get sick of me ;)
This message was edited by Josie, Support Specialist on 10/26/2004 @ 2:26:05 PM