ok im 25 year ol male,anxiety 5 years,xanax .5 4 times a day 5 years..im a hypochondrtiac its so bad anyways i need help here im losing it..the last week ive had a head cold,well my heart been racing on me a lil,and light headed from the cold i guess today,after a nap i got up,and my bp was higher than normal and than things got out of hand..usually im 65 bpm,and 110/65 or lower usually..well it was 135/87,so i was ok im chillin it stayed like that and increased than it got 151/90,than i got anxiuos,and before i knew it it read eletiocly 185/95,i was like whoaaaa..than it slowly went back down..its normal now but im worried there is something wromg with my heart i was taking it like every 10 min..my bp has always been good,and my heart was racing around a 100..im so scared,what should i do when i first got anxiety i had my heart checked out,drs always say its ok im young etc,and recnet blood work up like 4-5 months ago all came back good..any help..thank you...