Hi gina, I have Crohn's disease, and have suffered with it for over 30 yrs. When ever I have a flair up, my anxiety kicks in big time, and when I am anxious, or have a panic attack, my Crohn's get really bad. I am on Xanax now, for the panic, anxiety, but they have new drugs out there for IBS, and they are very safe. I wish they would work for Crohns. I am surprised how many people suffer with panic & anxiety have bowel problems. I really understand what you are going thu! But I will say Xanax has helped me. I am taking it now. I still run to bathroom 15 times a day, but the pain isn't bad as it was. I'd take the crohns everyday over the Panic, but I am working on the panic and anxiety, and agraphobia, then I know I will get better with the Crohns.