Hi want to be free,
I just wanted to echo the advice the others have already offered to you. Please be sure to check with your doctor about these symptoms.
The Panic Center Support Team
im new to panic but i have been reading alott about it and you could be having a panic attackj what i have learned from reading books about it from the library is that not every one can get the same symptoms they can be different you shoukld see a doctor to be sure i know whats its like to not have insurance but your health is worth the money
dear Want to be,
No one can replace the expertise of a physician; however, I experience similar symptoms when I have panic attacks. I even experience those symptoms when I am just overly nervous and not necessarily having a full blown attack. The sides of my neck often hurt so badly and are tender to the touch. I have learned that I tense my upper body very tightly when under stress and this causes the pain in my neck, shoulders, arms, etc..... Especially if I'm sitting for a long period of time in front of the computer or at my desk. My posture is horrible and doesn't help any.
If the symptoms continue you may want to check with a physician so he can determine what's going on for you. You're not alone---hang in there.
Brenda :)
lately ive been experiencing something im not sure of. yesterday i was sitting at my computer after lunch and my heart startind pounding extremely fast and i felt like the hole left side of my body was quivering or shaking. it scared the hell out of me.it happened twice yesterday. i also noticed that my veins along side my throat hurt. ive has ekg's,sonagram and other tests on my heart about a year ago and they couldnt find anything. is this a part of panic and if so who else has experienced this? im really worried and cant afford to see a dr. at this point. no med insurance. please help if u can thanks