Getting a little frustrated now. Just started my 4th week on Lexapro. Week 1 was hell, week 2 was fantastic and week 3 was the same until Friday. Started getting anxious at work along with the return of chest pains and took my first Xanax in a week. Saturday was better but I was a little apprehensive, actually waiting for the pains to return. Of course they did return Saturday night at dinner, and again Sunday at dinner. Monday was pretty quiet, but anxiety and pains came on today at work. For the last month my wife and I were prepping for our move into our first house. I have been lifting heavy boxes for weeks and have another couple weeks of unpacking ahead. I know that's why I have the chest wall pain, and the anxiety is making it worse.
The part that's driving me crazy is after 3 EKG's, 2 chest x-rays, and a blood test along with 5 Dr.'s telling me it's not my heart (all in a month)as well as no family history of heart disease, and I am only 33, why do I keep thinking every pain is the onset of a heart attack??? Getting very frustrated.
Have a full physical scheduled later this week that my Dr. sugested when she put me on the Lexapro a month ago since it has ben awhile since my last one. Lexapro is still helping a lot. The constant anxiety seems to be mainly gone (these last few days excluded) and Zanax seems to take care of the flair ups. Also still using Flexall lotion on the chest in the evenings which makes the chest pains disappear. However, I am still freaked out by every chest pain. Any thoughts, stories or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!