Hi Khris, I am a christian too I appreciate the verses you put on here that help you. I will read them also and think of you when I do and will say a prayer for you. It is nothing to be ashamed of to have this disorder. It happens for reasons we may never know but it is something we have to live with and it helps to turn to God. It helps also to reach out to the good people in this support group who can relate to what you are feeling...no one should suffer this terrible illness alone....take care today...Brenda
Hi Khris & everyone
I will certainly read those bible verses. Thanks for them. I am sure you will get over it: wont be easy at all. I am still struggling to get over mine after over tow years now. I wish you all the best and we are here praying with you.
By the way my Country is one of those Islands that was trampled by Hurricane Ivan last weekend. :8o: It was scary, but thank God I am still alive. We lost maybe twenty or so lives which makes us very sad. However, we are trying to move on.
Anyway we will be keeping in touch.
I am a Christian. I serve in church and I also work as my regular job in ministry. I use to feel ashamed or too whatever to tell others about the panic/anxiety until I hear so many other Christians tell me they too suffer from it. I am constantly reminding myself that fear is fear, and fear is not from God because He does not give us that. There is a scripture that I always quote before I go to sleep at night and I actually keep it posted next to my bed: Proverbs 3:25 "DO NOT BE AFRAID OF SUDDEN FEAR WHEN IT COMES, the Lord is your confidence and will not let you be taken"
And when it is really bad...I say this one aloud: "I shall NOT die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord." Psalm 118. Because when I do get over this, and I WILL!!! I am going to shout it from the rooftops!