Hi everybody, I have a question that I'd really appreciate some feedback on.
Do people really get over p/d??
I mean: really, completely, 100% free of panic disorder.?
Because I have heard so many stories of relapse, & people getting better for years just to fall back into the panic trap again.
I know I have more good days than bad days now & my life is good, but I sometimes wonder will I ever be completely free of this.
Some days go by when I rarely even think about my p/d, then other days I worry about everything.
I also feel like my Zoloft is doing all the work for me. Which scares the **** outta me because I fear the "poop out syndrome" that poeple talk about.
I came off Zoloft too fast once & had to go back on it. During that week or so, it was horrible. I can't imagine living like that. Now I'm doing so much better but in the back of my mind there is a huge fear of my Zoloft pooping out on me.
I know I am rambling on & on but I just wish there were some black & white answers. I wish someone could tell me "yes, you will be free of this disorder in xx amount of time". It would be so much easier to deal with, wouldn't it?? I know that is not impossible, but I just thought I'd vent to you all.
Do any of you wonder / worry about the same things??
Thanks again..