Everything is mind over matter, because the brain controls the entire body and how it reacts, so of course we can overcome something that seems to have appeared out nowhere. Shaolin priests prove mind over matter all the time by performing physically demanding feats effortlessly. From what I've read on Fight or Flight here and on other sites, the easiest way to deal with a panic/anxiety attack is to not fight the feelings you are going through but to accept and allow the feelings to happen. The reason for this is... fighting only makes it harder on you, no matter what you do at the time it's going to happen so if you accept and allow the feelings and thoughts and face them instead of running, it makes the attack that much easier to live with. A nurturing self dialogue, tell yourself that you aren't crazy, you aren't abnormal, you aren't a freak and accept that yes you are having a panic attack and it's not as bad as it seems. Deep breathing as well, longer exhale than inhale helps to relax the body, as does meditation, relaxation techniques and yogic exercise or yogic breathing. Another thing is writing down the thoughts as they happen and rationalise them on paper. The thoughts might be something along the lines of "Oh, my God! What if I'm having a heart attack? what if I'm having an anneurism? what if? what if? what if?" Now in a clear state of mind we know how ridiculous it is to think this way but in our head during an attack those thoughts are as real as anything else. If you write them down you can start to rationalise the automatic thoughts you have. Just a few suggestions for anyone to give a go during an attack or during the onset of an attack.