I won't say just relax and let whatever happens at the Dr happen. I had the same problem about even having the conversation. I looked up some info on Panic attacks (do the test on this site, it will give you a pront out to take to your Dr). I took the info with me to the doc and he was elated that I had researched it. I found out he has several patients with this problem andhe was very understanding. This problem has become more prevalent in the last few years and the stigma it might have once had is gone! Also, remembering that your doctor works for YOU might give you that mental edge. You ahve hired him to help manage your health...that is what he is there for. If he/she appears to not understnad, ask for someone else that does or make some calls from the phone book until you find one that will help you. THEY WORK FOR YOU!!!!
Good luck, hang in there...and know that you will feel a million times better once you've gone in and gottenback out of the dr's office. You'll be that much closer to getting better.
I'm rooting for ya!!!
iam still thinking of how to start the conversation with the doctor it has been on my mind all day even althought it is 2 nearly 2 weeks away.Do i go in and just say " can you test me for anxiety " or do i describe my symptons first and let him decide,what if he dosent even mention anxiety at all do i then bring it up the subject?
As i said before iam just scared that he says that there is nothing wrong with me cause i dont know what i would do from there!! and i suppose that is one of the reasons why i have held back from going.
One thing i hate is waiting it just gets me worked up so much and having 2 weeks to think about aint going to help.I work alone which dosent help either and the stuff that goes around im my head all day is unbeliavble,just constantly none stop.
Anyway enought of me for now
thanks inadvance for any replies
I was worried about talking to my Dr too. I went online and researched panic disorder and took c ouple of online tests. I printed everything out and took it with me to my Dr. He was really cool about it and impressed that I was researching. I am lucky, in that my Dr unsderstands this problem. If you feel yours does not....find another Dr. REALLY, having a doc that understands this problem is so comforting! He has me on Lexapro and Xanax (if I need it) and said to call him in two weeks so we can talk about how it's working and make changes if we need to.
Hang in there...and remember...your doctor works for have hired him to help you - make him do his job!
Hi Mark,
Great to hear that you are going to be seeing your doctor soon.
Just a reminder about the tools available on this site if you are unsure about where to start with explaining your symptoms to your doctor. For example you may find it useful to do the anxiety test, print it out, and bring it with you to your upcoming doctor's appointment.
Keep us posted. Looking forward to hearing from you again soon.
The Panic Center Support Team
Good for you Mark. Meds have helped me sooo much. It took a while to get to proper dose for me (30mg paxil and 1mg xanax daily) but I am able to function free of anxiety and panic...I don't even think about it.
Hi again
finaly made an appointment for the doctor today(well my dad did i hate using phones) its for 2 weeks time,so no doubt thats will be at the top of my thining list from now until the day :( just have no idea how to go about starting it off with the doctor,what scares me most is that he says iam fine then i realy will think iam mad!! .today i had terrible headaces right across the front of my forehead it felt like i had a permenant frown onmy face and at the back of my head at the right and left sides just above my neck ?? is this part of anxiety do other people get that,.Any way thanks for the replys earlier and heres hopping.
Hi, Michael. It's funny that you ask that. I was recently taken from 40 mg prozac to 60 mg. I had a horrible reaction. I was dizzy all the time, had trouble balancing and writing. I had trouble talking because my tongue felt heavy, kind of like it wasn't moving with my brain. I went to my doctor. She said it might not be the prozac so they made me have a CT scan. That's what you want to hear when your panicking! Anyway, it was the prozac. After I went back to the 40 mg and .5 klonopin I was much better. I've been having trouble sleeping lately. I don't have a new doctor in town yet (another stress factor in my life). I want to talk to someone about maybe taking klonopin at night as well. Hope things are going well for you. Hope my answers were helpful.
katie.. im on prozac and clonopin as well but cant seem to take too much without feeling currently on 5 mg prozac and .25 mg clonopin...if I take more prozac I feel more anxious and if I up the clonopin to counteract this I feel wiped out.....just wondering what dosage works for you and how long it took to feel better. thanks michael
I can't begin to describe how much medication has helped me. It took a while to get on all the right doses (I'm still not sure if everything's completely right or not), but I'm definitely better on medication than off. Please talk to a doctor about your symptoms. Your world could be so much "bigger" with the right meds and therapy. I take prozac and klonopin right now. I don't know how I'd function without them. I'm not going to try, either. That's for sure. I've gon off my meds before, so I know I'm better with than without. Medication is not right for everyone, but it sounds like you might benefit from something. Remember, panic attacks are part of a chemical imbalance in your body. The right meds can regulate that and make you feel more "normal". I hope this helps. Let us know how you are doing. Good luck.
Hi,still thinking about the idea of visiting a doctor,but just want to know how medication has changed things for people? I cant go out in public places,when i leave the house i am straight into my car,i hate even having to park outside the house next to mine if there is no parking space's cause the walk seems so far as if something is going to happen and everyone is watching me!! Would medication help with this in anyway.I have a dog that a used to take for walks all the time but havent took her for a walk in years,there is a large park across the road from me that i havent been in for about 2 years. While writting this just now iam trying to think of the last time i walked even 20 yards either side of my gate and i cant cause like i said before iam always straight into my car as quick as possible.So i was just wondering if people on here have felt similar to i do and does medication work for it