JM, I too have heard of this and, like yourself, just read an article about it a couple of days ago. I went to my gyn yesterday and spoke with her about it and she agreed the article was correct! Apparently there is a whole panel of tests that can be run for thyroid but most commonly they only check one factor instead of the whole huge (expensive) panel. Anyway, my doctor agreed to run a more extensive panel for me, though not the whole thing cause she says she has been "caught out" before by thyroid issues with patients. Honestly, I don't believe I have a thyroid issue, in my heart of hearts I know this is just panic.... after 12 years I'd be surprised to hear anything else, but she agreed to check it just in case. I would say speak with your doctor about it and ask him/her to run a more extensive panel, even if they do it only to put your mind to rest. Good luck, Rachele