A new symptom I am experiencing has come to be called "The Grimace" around my house.
Upon waking, I begin to feel tightness and anxiety almost right away. Thanks to the meds, it is more a distracting and aggravating feeling than a seriously incapacitating one. But one effect it causes is my mouth and jaw take on the appearance that I am about to throw up -- if you have ever experienced nausea that takes a long time to conclude, you know this feeling and the look. This will continue for about 2 to 3 hours before it abates.
I never actually do get nauseous, nor do I get sick. I do my 15mg Lexapro and a Tenormin for heart rhythm and blood pressure at night, with some backup Xanax handy in case needed (haven't taken any for 1-1/2 weeks). Is this happening to anyone else, or at least some other muscular way that panic is affecting you?