I found this post on another site, I found it refreshing, and encouraging. I thought I would post it here, as it really speaks from the heart and I can relate of it. Long but worth it.
Who I am
Hopefully someone will read through my experience, and find comfort in it or help because of it.
I am 39 year old, White female (Upstate, NY). I have always been a high level anxiety person without the full-blown symptoms of panic attacks€¦at first. I began having full-blown symptoms of panic at age 30. I€™ve always been a worrier, as well as a very phobic and a medically conscious person, so I can see why I would be a great candidate for having full-blown panic attacks and scary, racing thoughts all the time.
I know that everyone€™s panic symptoms are different even if we all have some of the same ones in common. My most scariest and difficult symptom to deal with was a racing heartbeat. My body would even wake me up at night out of a sound sleep with a racing heartbeat. It got to the point where I was monitoring my pulse constantly. My other symptoms included being fidgety or restless, tunnel vision or feeling slightly unreal, and I would become very tired and quiet. Sometimes I felt that I wasn€™t breathing €˜right€™, even though I was able to take good breaths, and I was always really hot (felt like I had a fever) during really panicky moments. I experienced a hard tightness around the back of my neck region that usually led to headaches after a bad panic attack.
My Panic Background
At first, I wasn€™t too scared about my panic symptoms. Since I had only two full-blown panic attacks within weeks of each other, I chalked it up to a one-time instance, and it didn€™t get the best of me.
However, within three months of my second panic attack, I really thought I was either going crazy or there was something horribly wrong with me medically, because I started having these bizarre symptoms that would come out of nowhere (it seemed) and then the end result would be that even though the symptoms faded, the fear of them coming back and how I felt when I remembered them would haunt me every day.
Within those first three months everything just started to fall apart in a ripple-effect. And it happened fast. All of a sudden it seemed that I was afraid of everything,