I am very thankful that I found this site.
One of the things that I always wished for was some one to talk to that knew how I felt.--I think we can probably all agree that when we have our panic attacks there is a very lonely feeling that noone else in the world can possibly know what this feels like and how scary this is
--SO--I thought it would help if we could share what our panic attacks feel like when we are having them. I know I would like to feel less alone in this...
>>my attacks can change, not always the same. i started in college with "heart attack" panic attacks...chest pain, super rapid heart beat, cant breathe. sometimes it can just start from a sense of just "not feeling right". then that snowballs into a greater sense that something is terribly wrong, and that i am sure i am going to die, but i am not sure why? that makes me feel like a crazy person...usually during any of these attacks, or just if i am afraid i might be headed towards one, i am sitting with my fingers on my pulse, counting, watching if it might be too fast. sometimes, when the panic gets bad, i feel like if i dont find help in the next minute, (ie. call my poor father or dial 911...) i WILL die alone right there.
there are so many other ugly symptoms, but this is a small picture of what a panic attack can be like for me. looking over what i wrote, i can not believe i am going to share it with the public..blush...
but i got so little to loose and i hope it helps someone.