Hi Katie,
Good luck to you! The fear of the unknown is always anxiety provoking, but look at it this way: you are leaving behind old panic, old fears, and starting out fresh! My therapist is trying to instill in me that the past doesn't equal the future. So relax and try to enjoy the ride, the world is a beautiful place out there. You'll be just fine! I bet the cat's will hate the ride more than you. ;)
Hello everyone! I'm actually making my big move to Nashville today! I'm scared and a little excited. I'm looking at a 9 hour drive (with 3 cats) to a brand new place (and life). I just really need everyone's positive thoughts today. I hate being in the car for long trips and I hate the thought of going to a brand new place. I'm facing a lot of fears all at once so I could really use some moral support as I embark on this journey. Thanks for your continued good wishes. I'll let you know when I get there.
Katie :) :confuse: :8o: