I knew that I had screaming nightmares when I was taking certain medications, and I attributed them to the medications, because when I started taking Chinese medicine instead, they stopped. They were usually accompanied by dreams about demons etc. Well, yesterday, I got a letter from my Aunt, and she was recalling when my sister and I used to visit them a lot on the weekends. My mother used to drive us to their house on Friday nights and pick us up on Sunday evenings or leave us with them for school holidays, just to get us out of the house, because my father was an alcoholic. Now I just got a letter from my Aunt saying that I used to be phobic about bugs, and I used to scream in my sleep. I was very surprised about the screaming part, because I didn't know it and have no recollection of it at the time. When I was older and married and screamed, my husband would wake me up, afraid the neighbours would think he was killing me. Has anybody else experienced this? Is it a part of anxiety disorder, or was I abused or something in the past??