Thanks JM, I just wasn't sure exactly what therapies you were referring to. How long ago did you have elect shock therapy? (This is the first time I've heard of that being used for PD)
What meds were you on?
How are you doing now?
Do you take any meds now, & if not what do you do or what has helped you?
(Sorry I didn'y mean to make this sound like 20 questions)
Your discussion topic was called "MY OPINION" but you didn't really give an opinion.
If you dont believe therapies will work what do you do??
Do you have Panic Disorder?
Have you had bad experiences?
Are you talking about therapy in general..meds, or what?
I have to be able to believe in something or I'll definately never get over this. Wether it be our therapy, medications..etc we have to believe SOMETHING will work!
Are you referring to CBT also?
Do not base your opinion only on what members of the psychiatric field tell you. Liquor manufacturers will not tell you their products cause liver damage, are the source of numerous automobile related deaths every year, and encourage you to cease drinking liquor. Similarly, no psychiatrist will tell you psychiatry harms people and that you should avoid it at all cost. Even if he or she knew or suspected this, he or she couldn't endure the loss of income, status and authority this would entail.