I was reading a transcript on an interview with Bronwyn Fox, author of Power Over Panic, she suffered panic attacks and agoraphobia, she spoke that meditation helped her to recovery, it was interesting to read that someone asked was using distraction acceptable. She replied yes, but that you won't get permanent recovery by using distractions alot, because we arent confronting our thoughts and fears.
She admitted that meditation is hard in the beginning because she couldn't relax. Im the same, I use distractions mentally or keeping busy to ward off my nervous feelings from becoming full blown panic. But it is just a coping technique for me, Im truly not facing it, hence Im not moving forward only staying in my present state. She went into how in the beginning of mediation its hard People have trouble meditating or relaxing because they are frightened of either letting go of control, or of the sensations of their body relaxing. Some people have not relaxed for many years, and when their body does begin to relax, they think their worst fears are coming true!
This really rang a bell with me, as I tried meditation and did find the sensations uncomfortable, not panic ridden, but hard to accept the sensations. So I gave it up. Now I truly will start to learn it again as she stated it is the opposite response to flight or fight response we get. I will just have to keep at it, till the sensations are fleeting and no longer scary too me.
To this day she stated she still gets an occasional panic attack once every 9 or 12 months, but continually practices mediation everyday, and doesnt let the fear take over, that it has made that much of an impact on her. She has been off medications and basically has mind control over her panic for 15 years.
Keep posting, Im sure one way or another we will eventually be able to ride out the trapped feelings, like a fleeting episode of heartburn.