Hi Chanda,
Learning how to do deep breathing exercises is very important. Not only does it keep your blood well-oxygenated, it helps to clear your thinking too, thereby reducing stress. Surprisingly, many of us have a hard time doing breathing exercies correctly and do not fill thier lungs to their full capacity. It does however get easier with practice.
-you can sit, lie or stand, keep your back straight
-keep one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen
-visualize your lungs filling with air as you inhale, you should feel your shoulders move up as your chest rises and fills with air
-exhale through your mouth by blowing gently
-remember to keep your facial muscles relaxed
Everyone is an individual and as such may need to vary the duration and frequency of this technique.
Keep us posted with your progress, we look forward to hearing from you soon.
The Panic Center Support Team
Reference: C. Ren Kneisl, Psychiatric Nursing.