Hi Morgaine
I also suffer from driving related anxiety. I just got my license on may 6 (i'm 18) and I am unable to drive on the highway and have difficulty even driving the backroads to work. In fact, I'm leaving my house in the next half hour to go to work and I'm literally shaking in my shoes.
What I find really helps is to do a quiet meditation in the half hour before I have to go (i'm heading off to do that right now :) ) This generally will calm my entire body down and allow my mind to settle. Anticipatory anxiety seems to be the worst about driving. I try to remember that I am always in control of my emotions (even though sometimes I feel that couldn't be ****her from the truth) and can handle any situation that arises.
I also listen to a Feng shui CD in my car. It is just a CD of soft, relaxing music and I concentrate on keeping my breathing deep and regular. I roll my window down and open my sunroof and just try to focus on the breeze on my face, lifting my hair and the soft music from the speakers. Keep in mind though, DO NOT CLOSE YOUR EYES in relaxation, lol! Some days are better than others and some days I have panic attacks while driving. When that happens, i sit in my seat and allow all the feelings that come with panic attacks (eg: pounding heart, hot face, feelings of doom) to be in my body. I try and take a step back and just observe that anxiety symptoms and not freak out because of them. Remember, panic cannot hurt you or make you go crazy. Just watch the symptoms and feel them abate as you sit in your seat, not freaking out, just allowing them to come. As you do this, the feelings of doom and the NEED TO ESCAPE RIGHT NOW will gradually go away and you are left to just observe your physical symptoms which also gradually disipate.
I know this is all way harder than it sounds! I know because I still have bad dreams and anxiety about driving. But I'm telling myself that one I can overcome it!
Oh! I almost forgot! I just recently started playing a game with myself in the car. I try and make the small of my back so relaxed that it soaks into the seat behind me. Ok, i know it sounds weird but it works. Try and see if you can have all your muscles relaxed for as long as the drive it. Feel your neck soft and you