We all know about the guy on the corner with the sign saying "The end is near" or something to that effect. He stands there day after day with that sign trying to warn passers by of the danger. Day in, day out he stands there proclaiming the world will end soon...and yet it doesnt.
How many days have to pass before the guy realizes he was misinformed? How many times must he pack his sign away knowing that the world didnt end, before he realizes that it isnt going to? How many days does he continue to believe the world is going to end? A week? A month? A year?
We all look at him and think he is off his rocker. We know the world isnt going to end soon. And we are thankful that we arent like that "crazy guy" on the corner.
But we are, kind of, arent we? Each day we believe that our anxious thoughts will become a reality, and each day they dont. We wake in the morning with a cloud of doom over us that never comes to pass. We believe that our negative thinking will materialize physically...and yet it does not.
I think it is time we looked carefully at the guy on the corner and realized that he is very much like us. We see his message and are not afraid of it, why cant we treat our own messages the same way?
How many days must we suffer before we realize that our negative feelings arent reality? I know I am about tired of it myself, wasting my days on this nonsense in my head. I am going to do something about it.
This post is meant to inspire us to get tough with those negative thoughts and to make us try harder to reclaim our days and nights for ourselves and our loved ones.