Welcome to the site. You have made a big step by going to a specialist. They will also be able to help you with any alternatives to better your self esteem. Also look to the internet for assistance with information and different approaches. Please post often, we will be here to listen and support.
Hi and welcome! I don't know what to say. I hope the specialist has good news for you. Have you tried wigs? As a nurse, I know many kids with cancer that wear them after chemotherapy. they look great!
Hi i have barely left the house for six months...i am so depressed...i am only 24 years old...the reason is stupid too...it is because i hate my hair and i am worried what people will think of me because i don't have any left barely because i have female bald pattern hair loss told to me by the derm. I don't know what to do..Now i am going to a hair care specialist this week finally to see what can be done to boost my self esteem, but i am scared because i haven't been in contact with people much lately except when i go to the park and do other things that i have to do to get out of the house...i really have a serious case of this and i don't know what to do.[font=Trebuchet MS]Text[/font][color=Teal]teal[/color]