Lisa, "The Brain Chemistry Book" is awesome !
TY sooo much for passing the info onto me. I was
up late last night reading it, & I never realized how
much diet & supplements (esp Niacin) plays into
things. I'm going to GNC today to pick up some
suggested supplements----------thanks again!!
Hi Moca & welcome!! I'm not sure if the brain
chemistry book is available @ stores, but I got
mine through Amazon which is a partner with
Target I believe-----might want to check them out or
Borders Book Store------it does have some
interesting info in it
TY Lisa for your suggestions. I did find a copy of
the "brain Chemistry" bok @ Amazon & ordered it
yesterday--------I'm gonna order the other one you
suggested today. I do feel a little better today now
that the Wellbutrin is beginning to leave my
body-----that stuff was like taking speed-------if I just
had depression & not anxiety, it would of been
awesome "coz I had sooooo much energy I could't
stop! Gotta go~~~~talk to ya later!
hopeful: another great book is called "Depression is a Choice" I know the title throws people a little. But this was the book that also helped me finally kick it. I still keep it on hand if I have a down day because it makes me feel so much better. the author is Curtiss.. try indigo or chapters online if they don't carry it. there's some great postings in the forum "challenging your thoughts" that I think would really help you. the discussion is with nurseboy and myself. Hang in there... I am living, breathing, proof that you can do it... you can beat it!!!!
write back because communicating is the best way out of fear. Staying locked inside of yourself puts you in a scary place. Keep reaching out.
Lisa N
Lisa.....I may see some light @ the end of the
tunnel! I really needed some kind of inspiration &
your post gave me some little flicker of HOPE that I
can get over this. TY! When I went to bed last
night, I really did not want to wake
up------sometimes I think how awesome it would
be to stay in a coma & sleep my life away since i'm
too afraid to end it all-----BUT, I did wake up so I'm
gonna try & find a copy of that book on Amazon. Ty
for listening--------Hopeful224
hopeful: I'm sorry it took me a while to get back to you- I couln't get back in with this discussion. Yes I had both. I remember having panic attacks when I was around 10 and then anxiety and depression throughout my teenage years... everyone said "it's just puberty". However, in my early 20's it got pretty bad... then subsided again. At 29 it hit full force the day after my last exam at university. I thought I was all done with the stress of school and that was when my panic attacks started everyday. They seemed to come one after the other and I was so... lost for quite a while. My children at the time were about 5 and 4. I was scared to death that I'd never see them grow up because they'd have to come visit me in the psych ward. My lowest was two years ago... and I haven't had panic attacks in quite some time. I still anxious from time to time because I've accepted that my brain seems to be wired for that.. however I know now how to stop it from going any further.I never had any success with the meds- I met a great therapist who honestly saved my life. It was so bad that I wanted to just throw in the towel because I felt so powerless against it. She recommended the book "The Brain Chemistry Diet" and it was the final kick I needed to get well. It follows orthomolecular medicine and it was refreshing to know that there were others who didn't respond to the meds. I remember being so jealous of the people who said they had success with paxil etc. I really thought I was stuck forever. Hope was what saved me life. How long have you been suffering with this? Can't wait to hear from you.
hopeful: I tried different meds without any success... the worst for me was Paxil. I felt great for about two days (and by great I mean I was flying way too high). I crashed hard and my panic was worse than ever. Not everyone's brain chemistry will work with the meds. I followed Orthomolecular medicine and that did the trick for me. Not only did it get me out of a tough spot after the Paxil but now, if any symptoms begin to come back I can adjust my program for that also. I haven't had any panic attacks in a long time... I began my search into ortho. medicine through a book referred to me by a great therapist I was seeing at the time: the book I believe was the turning point in my battle against anxiety and depression. It is called "The Brain Chemistry Diet" It's such a treasure and my sincere hope is that it can help you the way it helped me. Good luck... and hang in there. There's always hope but don't be afraid to try something different... I was scared too. But I'm so glad that I did it. If you type in orthomed on the net you'll find some great sites with great links too. You can do it!!!
I had a horrible day today-----i had my first PA while
driving that I've had in years. By the time I got to my
hair appointment, I was flushed & in tears. I just
don't know what else to try. I've tried practically
every med their is & have never found the right one.
My dr. wants me to try Nardil which is very potent &
scares me but I'm so desperate to get well. the
prob is I took a loa from work & will need to be off
all meds x3 wks if i start nardil & i've already been
off a few weeks trying tofranil & welbutrin----I think
the wellbutrin is what caused my anxiety to
skyrocket-----it was like taking speed but I thought it
was keeping me from getting teary-eyed----guess I
was wrong----now what do I do???