want to be free: I used to have horribly scary thoughts and visions when my panic was at it's worst. I would get through it (like Nina said) by occupying my brain with other things. I knew that these were just thoughts... that's all. I would force myself to focus on what was real with touching, tasting etc. I agree also with nina that the more I talked about it with someone the less real my scary thoughts were. I finally would absolutely forbid them to enter my brain by busying my thoughts with challenging work- math, spelling words backwards, word descramblers (there's a great one at pogo games on the net)... anything that makes you use the part of your brain in charge of thinking will turn off anxiety signals... keep in mind though that it takes 20 mins for andrenaline to break down in your system... so it's about 20 to 30 minutes until it completely goes away. I find that the more I was thinking the less I was fearing. You are not going crazy. Keep in mind that usually those labelled as "crazy" are the ones who don't think twice about unusual thoughts or question unusual thoughts. You are conscious of your thoughts and very aware that they just don't sit right. If you are questioning yourself and know enough to reach out (like you did with this message) you aren't crazy! You are thinking rationally about your thinking... so try those tips and force your brain to think it's way out. Make it so busy that you can't focus on your body symptoms- which is what leads to a panic attack. Hang in there... you're not alone!
Dear Want To Be Free,
I hope you are getting some outside help for this and not trying to deal with all of it completely on your own.It is hard !!!
I also have had some weird thoughts that intrude into my life and it is very scarey. I find that if I divert my thoughts to something else it helps alot. For instance I will do a chore around the house or go for a walk. For me, talking about it to someone I really trust has a tremendous effect. For me it is kind of like a bad dream, when you talk about it(in detail) to someone it tends not to repeat itself.
Good luck !!! Peace, Nina
i had an incident yesterday that was so scarry. i have menieres disease along with panic. had a bad day. went to the store and my hearing ios pretty well gone in my left ear and a woman came up behind me and didnt know she was there. i guess she had been trying to get around me but i didnt hear her. i finally did and was given a rather dirty look. needless to say by the time i got home i was starting to get a panic attack. later on in the afternoon i noticed that my mind was in a fog and i kept getting visions in my head about certain events[ i had rather nightmarish dreams the night before] and my mind couldnt distiguish which events were real and which were not. its hard to explain. im really disturbed by this happening and afraid it will happen again. ive had panic and anziety for over 30 yrs but never had this happen before. any advice?