Greenmilerun - I fully understand about being scared of thunderstorms. My grandmother to this day will still wake me up to see if I want to get in bed with them! However, I have finally learned that they are just miracles of nature and one thing that helped me was to get a weather radio that would let me know if there was anything more dangerous happening - like a tornado - since I live in Texas at the base of Tornado Alley. This helped me figure out when I really did have something to be scared of and I learned the things that one should do in case of tornados. I now leave the windows open during a good storm and enjoy!
Greenmilerun, if you can try to marvel at the power and yes beauty of nature's fireworks. Not to get too technical, but thunderstorms in nature are necessary to vent our atmosphere. My wife and children have to literally pull me back inside our house if a thunderstorm is approaching. There are many weather chat forums on the net and on IRC( Internet Relay Chat) if your interested.
Don't be frightened.
We just had a sever thunderstorm. I have always been scared of them. When i was a little girl my greatgrand mother would jump and say realy loud ohh!! When we lived in Texas i went thru huricane Camile. We all set around and watched a cordless tv radio till it was over. To this day it has gotten worse . I went in to an attack then. My family doesn,t understand they say just think of other things I try to. I have got to the point sometimes i go sit in the basment. My husband wrks for the Highway departmentand alot of times he has to cut trees. So I,m here alone scared . Please help in some sujestions.[color=Orange][/color]