I also suffer from White Coat Hypertension. I am waiting in the Doctors Office and I am scared out of my wits as I am called in it gets worse, by the time they get the blood pressure cuff my heart is racing and my blood pressure is through the roof. Then the cycle starts "my blood pressure is high OH MY GOD I AM GOING TO HAVE A STROKE/HEART ATTACK" or the other thought is "This visit to the doctor is the one that they are going to tell me that there is something seriously wrong with me and I have X TIME to live". It is awful to the point where I do not go to the doctor unless I have no other option. So you are not alone.
This is not an uncommon condition in people with anxiety disorders.
You have two main options.
1) Take something to calm you before going in like a xanax etc (not a
preferable option, obviously).
2) Relaxation exercises. Have you learn about Combined relaxation,
and the associated isometric relaxation techniques which are designed
to calm you down wherever you are, whatever you are doing? These
are good because they dont draw attention to you, but can be quite
effective. They arent going to drop your anxirty through the floor, but
they will help you to control it in situations which trouble you.
Any of you have bad white coat hypertension? I have another follow-up appointment tomorrow afternoon
for history of panic attacks. I have been on Lexapro
and Altace for 6 months but I still have mini attacks
when I'm sitting in the waiting area. I hate having my
BP taken by anyone but me. Have my own monitor but my
BP skyrockets( 180 ) when a nurse takes it. 140/90 at
home. Help