Well today I had a doozy of a panic attack. Hadn;t had one like that in a while. I had myself convinced that I had to go to the hospital, my brother and sister-in-law were even willing to take me. Boy it was terrible, lasted a long time. I had to break down and take a Clonazopam .5mg to calm me down. I have no idea why I had such bad panic attack today, I was just feeling 'weird ' all day and then I guess my anxious thoughts triggered a full blown panic attack. I just recently had my meds increased to 100mg Zoloft and I'm wondering if maybe I am experiencing side effects from that, although I had no side effects on the 50mg. I've been sick as well with a viral infection that kept me in bed for three full days, would that have anything to do with it? Does anyone have any ideas? I'm also not sleeping well so maybe everything contributed to it, not sure. All I know is that I was certain I was dying , that something sinister was happening to me, I couldnt talk myself out of this one. I have had Panic disorderfor a long time as well as Gad& was able to keep it under control until recently.I know I'm having a panic attack, I've had dozens of them, yet I cant calm myself down. Why after all this time have they gotten worse? I feel as if theres no hope for me taht I will always be like this and it scares me. If anyone would like to share their ideas it would greatly appreciated. I'm just praying I dont have anotherpanic attack tonight, or anytime soon for that matter.