I speculate that your "crazy thoughts" are actually a normal part of an
anxiety disorder.
Panic disorder typically stems from a fear of a catastrophic event, and
it can change over time. Panic disorder becomes a fear of the internal
sensations that our body experiences when we feel anxious.
You need to rationalise to yourself why you think you are going to die?
The four steps are:
1) Identify the thought that is bothering you (eg Im going to die, what
if I die).
2) Identify possible causes - which symptoms if any are making you
feel this way? Is it just an irrational thought?
3) Consider and analyse the evidence. Am I feeling this way for a
specific reason?
4) Select and use a coping strategy.
In your case the coping strategy might be a mantra - a strong,
repeated statement to reassure yourself that everything is ok.
No, Im not going to die. There is nothing physically wrong with me.
As long as I breathe slowly and lightly, relax myself etc I will be fine.
Try this out.
I also experience obsessional thoughts. These can be intrusive
thoughts about something you fear, hate or are disgusted by, that you
then obsess over as you despise or are afraid of the thought so much.
Its very important with these thoughts to take 1 of two actions.
1) Rationalise and reassure yourself that this is just an intrusive
thought - a malfunction of the brain. Nothing to worry about. Then
procede to reassure yourself that you are not dying and are calm. Over
time this will train your mind to disregard the thought, or at least be
less afraid of it.
2) Thought stopping. Distract yourself with other thoughts. This
works like a charm once you get the hang of it. You are competing
with 2 things here, firstly the thought itself, but more importantly, the
anxiety the thought creates for you. If you stop thinking about it, the
anxiety subsides. You can also train yourself to automatically
disregard and distract yourself from intrusive thoughts.
We cant prevent intrusive thoughts. We can prevent them from
upsetting us. Remember that letting them take over can lead to a lot
of anxiety. In some people, this is how OCD develops.
Id recommend you try this sort of approach. If