TY for the info Chipmaster! I did try effexor for a
brief trial a while back, but it made me anxious.
However, I had abrutly (?sp) stopped Tofranil
which I had been on for sev yrs when I was taking
effexor so this may have contributed to my anxiety.
I'm very afraid to take nardil for sev obvious
reasons since a major stroke could occur from a
simple slip in diet or meds, etc. But my md insist it
really is safe & has been overplayed in the
sideeffects. He did mention that Tofranil was safe
with wbtn, & I think I really need this so I am going
to call him tomorrow & check before I start taking.
Thanks for the post & take care!
How long have you been on the wellbutrin for?
How long were you on the other drugs for?
It can take a good 4+ weeks to become fully effective at a given dose.
Initial side effects of these types of drugs include headaches and some
increased anxiety, but these do pass over time.
Nardil is one of the original MAOI anti-depressants. I dont know a lot
about it other than to say that some people find it effective where the
newer drugs havent worked, and that the side effects tend to be
significantly worse than those of SSRIs, or MRIs like wellbutrin.
Has he tried you on effexor at all?
my md is suggesting nardil if the wellbutrin doesn't
help me. I have chronic migraines & all he meds
so far have just worsened them so needless to
say, i'm VERY afraid to try nardil . He's also
suggested ritalin w/tofranil for chronic low grade
depression that just won't lift. I feel even more
depressed on wellbutrin & my vison is just getting
worse every day. anybody have have thoughts???
I'm runnning out of options------I don't know why
i'm so sensitive to everything!!