Thanks to both of you for the encouraging posts. I really am looking forward to the event and have been very successful at stopping any negative thoughts from raining on my parade. I am also lucky because I have many friends here who are helping me just by being there with me. My partner Rene is my co-chef so with her to help me through I think I have a real chance!
Rose of the "Red Hot Texans" chili cook-off team!
I came to Maui to make a new life and got hit with some bad roadblocks. My mom dies 12 days after I arrived and then 2 months later I was in a horrific accident where I fractured my pelvis. I started having panic attacks but I am better now. Saturday I am a contestant in a chili cook-off. This will be my first event showcasing the talents I have acquired and what I came to Maui to do. There will be local chefs judging the event not to mention lots of people. I am stoked about this opportunity...please wish me well!