Thanks so much Aldren and Josee. I must admit, I hadn't checked out the resources & links. I'll do that now. I'll also have a look at what you recommended as well Aldren.
Thank you both,
Sorry for intruding on your conversation. Have you looked at our "Reference Tools" on the left hand side,especially the Panic Program. All these references are free. We have had quite a bit of positive feedback from on-line supporters that have used our tools to guide them through.
Please continue to post, as you can already see, our on-line support group is incredible.
Hope this helps,
Hi Danielle,
I'm afraid I cannot help you at all on the program that Bronwyn Fox runs off her web site ( I assume that is the program you are talking about). I have only read her book. I recommended it because she is writing from direct experience with panic attacks.
The book itself is cheap (Amazon have it for $10.36). I certainly would not consider investing in any course until you have read her book.
Actually if you are after a program, by far the best one I know of is a self-help 9 week program called Overcoming Panic. It is written by John Franklin a psychologist who has specialised in treating panic attacks and agrophobia. I did not recommend it in my last posting as it is only available by mail order from the Australian Psychological Society. As most people in the group are not from Australia I thought it would be difficult to obtain. It contains a daily set of readings and exercises and is written in a clear practical style. It is designed to be used on your own or with a Doctor. It only cost me about $A 40 and I imagine is much cheaper than whatever course Bronwyn is running.
If you are interested the address of the APS is
PO Box 38, Flinders Lane PO
Melbourne, Vic, 8009
Sorry I could not help you more.
I noticed you mentioned BRONWYN FOX...I was going to buy her stuff but was reluctant. It is so expensive and dishing out that kind of money without knowing anyone who has it or has used it successfully makes me a bit nervous.
What did you think of it? Did you get her whole package? Would you recommend it? What is different from what is on this site let's say?
Hope you don't mind all the questions...I am really happy to find someone who has experience with it..