I have felt the same way-stressed/anxious after having a busy day. It doesn't hit until I am relaxing. At the same time if I am stressed over something like running late to a meeting or trying to do too many things at one time, I will also have an attack. Sleep deprivation is definitely a contributing factor.I try to prioritize between what absolutley must be done (work, chores,tec.) and what can wait until later. Sometimes it works.I think the worse thing with the panic attacks and the anxiety is it is so unpredictable.
I can relate to having a panic attack at the end of a long day. I find that the feeling of tiredness can in itself start me off on a panic attack. I'm not sure if it is the feeling that I cannot control things as my body just wants to sleep or it is the dizzy feeling you get when you are tired that does it. Anyway it is a terrible feeling as the pnly way to loose the tiredness is to relax and sleep and that is the one thing that the panic makes it very difficulr to do.
Sounds to me you worked yourself hard yesterday. You stayed busy and had no time to panic. Once you got home and relaxed a bit your body let loose. What do you do to relax? Maybe you should try reading to get your mind focused on something but allow your body itself to wind down.
do you ever feel nuts? i had an extremely stressful day in the hospital yesterday, 7a-730pm. i was worked hard. no panic...until i got home. it took me sooo lonng for my mind to settle. it just wouldn't calm down. today. my mind is racing, trying to panic and have ocd thoughts ...feel so dizzy...calm day at work today...mind just racing like it's SEPERATE from myself!