I agree with Rhonnie that smaller frequent meals can help. I was nauseous for the second half of my senior year of HS and my entire freshman year of college. I was taking Mylanta or Maalox or Pepto every day, and I had to watch what I ate because I developed a burning in my stomach that was aggravated by certain foods. Anyway, it eventually went away when I stopped focusing on it but it took me a long time to get to that point.
I noticed you said you were nauseous in class but not in the dorm. That also would point to it being anxiety. Maybe you're stressing over your grades or your future? I'm pretty sure that was my problem.
Try Rhonnie's suggestion. Start small. Whenever I'm unsure of my stomach I start with crackers. Then once my stomach gets a little food the hunger pangs will kick in and I'm able to eat more.
Hi Italiana, Nausea is a huge anxiety symptom for me as well as belching and heartburn. Maybe you can try Tums or Rolaids and see if that helps. Also you'll dicover the nausea gets worse if you don't eat. Try eating small frequent meals.
I have a quick question. Over the past couple of weeks I haven't had any real anxiety attacks (achey chest, trouble breathing). It has been great! I have, however, had a stomach virus. It lasted a week.. then another.. then I realized, uh oh. When I have classes I'm nauseous but when I'm hanging out in the dorm I'm fine. Is nausea a symptom of anxiety?
I could deal with the not being able to breathe symptoms but it's gotten to the point where I am scared to eat. My friends try to get me to but they don't understand. It's very frusturating. Anything that could help with this?
Thank you!