My wife had panic attacks that soon were followed by weakness in her legs and arms. She began looking for answers to why this might be happening and began to convince herself that she had a terrible disease of some sort because all of her symptoms fit the disease. At first she thought she has MS, then ALS. Two trips to the ER, a couple of MRIs, and a lot of bloodwork later, the doctors have advised her that she doesn't have MS and ALS, and that even though she feels weak, her body is strong based on their exam.
I thought this would make her feel better, but she continues to have weakness on one side of her body. I've tried to advise her that it is stress complicated by the fact that she's concentrating on the symptoms in one side of her body because that's what she's been attuned to for months. She does not believe it, and gets angry because she feels that by telling her stress is causing it, it's "All in my head." I keep telling her that stress can wear you out, but she insists that her arms and legs are weak, any sort of physical activity makes it worse, and that there is something besides stress that is causing it.
1st, has anyone else experienced a very specific set of symptoms that a doctor can't explain beyond stress? Did you have trouble accepting it?
2nd, has anyone felt they had a certain disease and had very real symptoms of it but not been diagnosed with it? If so, how did you get over thinking you had it?
3rd, can stress and worry and the physical symptoms caused by it truly locate themselves on one side of the body or in certain body parts? Again, my wife has been examined numerous times, has had testing, and still says her leg and arm are physically weak, and are now causing her pain. Could this be stress?
4th. HOw do I help her if it is truly stress? I don't understand the cycle of health worry she puts herself into because I always look for the best possible outcome when I have physical symptoms, and I understand stress can knock you out because I've personally experienced it.
I'd really like to help her, and feel like an ogre for telling her I think it's stress because I can't get inside her head and feel what she's feeling.
Any help you can provide would be great.