Nurseboy, I can't hold myself back from saying this; are you bi-polar? Or do you think your hyperness could be caused by your medications? You just sound so familiar to an old friend of mine. Coffee hyper eh? Well, whatever you say. For me, when I am on medications I sometimes need coffee more to stay awake; because the antianxiety medications make me a bit sleepy, but without heavy doses I am still having panic attacks. This week was good, but like you, I am like adam and eve, and also can't seem to resist the apple, I mean the coffee. (Actually we don't know if it was an apple, but it was some kind of a fruit which represented self-determination without answering to God.) Well, I want to know as much as I can as fast as I can learn it. I just hope I am not opening up Pandora's box. But racing thoughts can be fun too. As long as they are not destructive. Well, I did quit drinking coffee for two years once, along with a really restrictive diet; but after one holiday I started breaking my diet on the plane, and couldn't go back to it even though I tried. I just can't go cold turkey anymore. Maybe that is also a symptom of Obsessive thoughts....So here I am, improving, but not perfect in every way yet!!!!I'm just glad it's not booze at the moment. Before I started getting treatment I was self medicating to go to sleep at night with four travel sickness pills and a bottle of beer. That's when I realized it was time to see the doctor, along with helping two of my friends who also needed to see the doctor for similar problems...Keep up the good work!