Hi Marie,
This is so good, I love it when we meet up again, so much by chance but I think it must be preordained!! Really, truly wonderful to "see" you.
To all Newbies, this is one of the bonuses of the SSC site...it seems that you can always reconnect with those who were really significant in your quit, you never totally loose contact however much time passes!!
Marie, thanks for your congrats and you, yourself will be in line for the same in a month's time. How far we have all come, like you say, one day at a time.
My reward? Well, after decades of being a passenger in cars, taxis, buses and trains, I am at last learning to drive and my reward if I manage it, is going to be my own little rust bucket!! We could not afford to be a 2 car family when I was smoking!! I shall have to get a hook to fix my bike on to it though....I just love cycling, yet another thing that I didn't have the wind power to do when I was smoking. And I swear that the cycling was the thing that got rid of the last few pounds of excess baggage I was carrying around.
I'd like to thank everyone for their good wishes, most of you don't know who on earth I am...I'm just another one of you all, nothing remarkable, no special skills but just an determination to quit the addiction and like they say......"If I can do it...." and like Marie says "one day at a time".
Love you lots Marie, can't thank you enough for your ongoing support and friendship. Best regards, Lilly
My Milage:My Quit Date: 5/11/2006
Smoke-Free Days: 733
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 21,990
Amount Saved: �5,497.50
Life Gained:Days: 100
Hrs: 22
Mins: 4
Seconds: 13