I think what I was trying to say about replacing a negative thought with a positive one was for instance I use to think that my anxiety and panic popped up out of nowhere. But yesterday I caught myself thinking about things that upset me. I was in the middle of cleaning my house and began to feel really anxious. Usually when this happens I take note of the physical symptoms and forget what I was thinking about. The physical symptoms make me begin to think oh no it's back and now I'm not going to be able to function and I'm going to be frightened all the time and blah blah blah. But this time was different because I remembered exactly what I had been thinking when the symptoms started and I knew the thoughts caused it. It wasn't my hormones or my brain chemicals being out of whack it was me thinking negative thoughts. If I'm making all of this happen to myself then I can make it not happen. So I have to try to pay close attention to what my mind is thinking and when I notice it wanting to think about all I've been going through and if I begin to analyze things to much I have to distract myself by focusing on something positive. I know it's not going to be easy and to some this sounds like something they have heard a million times in therapy and in self help books, but it's like I've finally got it and I know I can control this if I really try.
How can you replace negative thoughts when they pop out of nowhere? And how can you decide that since they are negative thoughts, they are wrong? If the positive thoughts you replace them with are false, you are only deluding yourself. That is why I cannot get through this cognitive therapy stuff...it really urks me. What about brain chemistry and OCD. Is there no connection? WHat about genetics and depression? If we could just think away all our problems, wouldn't life be nice???? I don't think so.
i need to go sleepy right now, but we need to talk more about this. I don't have compulsions either except some mental ones. I am considered a pure obsessional or "pure o". OCD is the cause of my panic and GAD also. My life is perfect and i love it. The ocd has always been the catch 22 to my perfect life!
nurseboy, kitcat and I were just kind of talking about this on another thread. I don't have compulsions , but I do have obessive thoughts and I have figured out that they are the reason I suffer from panic and anxiety. Kitcat suggested that whenever I have any negative thoughts I need to immediately replace it with a positive one. I know this doesn't sound like much , but it's a big thing for me because I used to think my anxiety and panic came out of nowhere , but now I realize negative thinking is what triggers it. Maybe if you work on stopping the negative thoughts you will see some improvement.
I am just looking for ways to cope for my OCD. I have relapsed a month ago and am back in CBT and on some meds. Just looking for some friends to chat with...to share some ways to deal with this madness!