I live in Michigan, and had to go to the upper penninsula to meet my sister who is interviewing for a job there. If she gets the job, my sons and I are moving in with her, since I am going through a divorce.
I haven't driven, "much" in the past 18 years since my agoraphobia began. I always managed to get around to work, etc., but have been driven EVERYWHERE for trips.
Well, not only did I drive the entire upper penninsula which is over 200 miles, I drove it in a white out from snow blowing in off the Great Lakes.
I take Effexor, Ativan, and Inderol.
In addition, I have a terrible fear of bridges, and drove over this one bridge about 20 times! Our son drove over the Mackinaw bridge which is 5 miles, and another bridge that I used to obsess over for weeks before being driven over, we were over before I realized it because I was so busy talking with my sister.
No panic whatsoever!:)
Mary Jane