A year ago, before this whole suspected panic thing started, I was talking to my neuro about these ne headaches that I was getting. He thought that they were tension, and I disagreed b/c I wouldn't get the headaches when I was stressed out. He told me that research shows that ppl who get tension headaches will have a stressful event on Monday, but often don't get the headache until Wednesday - so there's like a delayed reaction. Then ppl don't realize stress is a tigger.
I was wondering if maybe this explains why so many of us feel sick all the time. Maybe if you have a bad attack on Monday - even though you feel better and get over it, and feel fine on Tuesday, the residual physical effects don't manifest themselves fully until the next day, or the day after. Then we are pre-occupied with feeling sick, and it brings on another attack?
I might just wanna to believe this, ;p but if it's true, I think that would help alot of us get past some of our health anxiety.