Hello Patches,
You've put a lot of my symptoms into words!! The pins and needles drive me mad and the "big tongue" also!! I have to drink loads of water - not sure why, but maybe just to make sure I swallow properly?!?! This definately sounds like panic and like everyone else says, if you haven't already done so, get some help and hopefully nip it in the bud.
Take care.
Hi patches,
Yes there are alot of times I feel "disconnected" from the world..almost as if I'm just watching things and not really involved. I get pins and needles sometimes too. I would go see your doctor and let them know how you feel. then you can go from there for some kind of help. It's good to get help as soon as possible for panic disorder..I waited and I wish I didn't have. Just remember we are all in the same boat here and wil try to help you as much as we can, but I'm not a doctor and I'm not sure how many there are here...so getting outside help is always encourged.
Hi Patches...
Yeah, I have the same exact feelings that you do. They are symptoms of a panic disorder. One of the symptoms is a feeling of nothing being real...as if you were in a dream. I have no idea what causes it, but I think it has something to do with the chemicals in your brain, which is where meds come in...are you on any meds? I have been taking lexapro for about a month and I havent had that feeling for a while. If you arent on meds and you have this feeling and panic alot, I would suggest going to a doc to see if you need to be on something. Let me know.
YES! It just feels like my mind is floating and I have no control over my thoughts. It feels like it will never go away and that's what makes me panic. It's kinda like my mind is blank, then WAMMO - all these weird thoughts and sensations are running ragged through my mind and body.
Hi Patches!
I am sorry you are feeling this way...I just need to ask a question before I post a response. Is it a feeling like your dreaming and like nothings real? As if you arent in your body...kind of like a surreal feeling? And when you feel this way, you panic a great deal mostly becasue of how weird the feeling is? If this is right I can definately relate because that is also how I feel when I have a panic attack...let me know. You'll be in my prayers.
Does anyone else get this sensation. I feel as if my mind and body are hollow and not real. It is a very uncomfortable feeling. When I feel this, the panic starts getting alot worse......I get pins and needles, my tongue feels big and my heart races and I get sick to my stomach until I can convince myself to calm down. Then my arms and legs feel really light and like jello. I don't quit understand what makes this sensation happen. It is very scary!! Please try to help me understand!