Hi Amy!
I was on Paxil for four years previous to this september. I had a pretty harsh set-back (I think the paxil ****ped out on me) and my doctor immediately put me on Effexor XR, at the 75mg dose (first few days at 37.5 and then up to 75)
The only problems I encountered were weird dreams, dizziness, insomnia and increased anxiety. All of these symptoms were gone within 1 week. This could have been from the initiation of the effexor OR a Paxil withdrawl.
I tried really hard not to dwell on what I was feeling, just resting assured on the fact that this was a chemical response within my body and that it would eventually calm down (I did a switch from paxil to celexa back to paxil in 2000 and I had only the minor problems I listed above, for one week)
Within 2-3 weeks, I was already feeling a decline in my anxiety and panic attacks. And most importantly, I got sleep again! In fact, when I started Effexor, for the first few weeks, I slept A LOT! I'm talking 9-13 hours a day. I'd get 9 hours during the night, then withing a few hours of waking up, have another two hour nap. My doctor and counsellor thought this was just my body collapsing from the stress of the set-back and the tinkering with my meds. This only lasted a short time though :)
Once I had established a steady level of effexor in my body, I was able to go back to work and function again :)
I must admit (keep in mind this may NOT happen to you) I had another "breakdown" about one month after getting on the 75mg dose. I was back at square one, having intense panic attacks, approx. 3X a day, couldn't get out of the house, and would cry at anything!
I called my doc and he fit me in as an emerg. appointment and he immediately raised my dose to 150mg/day. Withing 72 hours of this dose increase, i was feeling 90% better. It was amazing!
I've been at this dose for about a month now and doing really well. I'm back at work 5 days a week and am working very hard on my exposure steps. I drove 30 min from home a few weeks ago! Yes, I was anxious, but I did it and the rush of sastisfaction was soooo worth the anxiety of the drive once I accomplished it!
I believe Effexor XR is a great drug if you combine it with CBT, meditation and exposure work (ties into CBT)