Patches, try to relax ,the sensation of being able to feel your heart beat all over your body is totally from panic and anxiety. I went through the exact same thing myself several years ago. My heart would pound so hard my bed would vibrate at night, also I could feel my heart beating really hard at all of my pulse points. They effect was similar to a popping sensation in my throat, chest, wrists, hips and behind my knees. It was sometimes so bad in my throat it felt like something was actually breaking loose in there when my pulse would pop really hard. There was absolutely nothing wrong with my heart it was all anxiety and the more I worried my heart was going to give out on me the worse the symptoms became. It's amazing what we can to do ourselves physically, with our minds. Take some deep breaths and when your heart starts jumping around make yourself cough, actually have a coughing fit if you can and this will help to make your heart regulate itself. If it gets to bad there is medication you can take that controls anxiety related palpitations, the med relaxes you and actually slows down the force at which your heart beats, totally eliminating the hard thumping and popping sensations all over your body. I hope this has been helpful, let me know. :)