Hey there-
I need some advice quick!! I have always been an avid skier my whole life and its my passion but since my panic has gotten so severe I have only managed to ski three days this year. ( those days were before my panic hit so hard) anyway we have been up to the mountains one other time this season and I freaked out thinking I was going to die on the mountain side so my fiance and I have not returned. Now we have friends that are out to visit this weekend to ski and we are meeting them up there and I am so scared. We are friends with these people but not close and they dont know what I am dealing with. So # 1 I am afraid of having an attack in front of them. #2 I am afraid I will die on the mountain from a heart condition or fall off!! #3 I dont know how to handle this situation!! I am making myself go but I dont know what I am going to do if I have an attack on the mountain in front of our friends. I will be so emabarresed. Please if anyone has any advice for me I really could use it. I leave for the mountain in the morning. My hands are BRIGHT RED right now from fear!!! I dont want to let this control me so much that I cant even enjoy the one thing that used to relax me!! Thanks so much for listening!! Jmodge