Hi Sammi,
He is understanding to a point, often times the safe person, which is hard to communicate to them, the panic and anxiety rides quicker with them there, rubbing your head, feet, talking to you to distract from the thinking when its over. Often times and my husband went through the same thing, it was his frustation of seeing me suffer, and couldnt comphrend how the doctors couldnt scramble quick enough to end it, and he was just as confused about the disorder as I was, he couldnt fathom how his mere presence and holding me thru tears could help so much, when the trial and errors of medicine were doing so little in the beginning. Please try to explain it to him that way, or better yet, if your doctor is knowledge enough in the disorder, it is best your safe person (hubby) whoever, accompany you to your doctor visits, they will learn more, and take credence in the doctor telling them how crucial it is.