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please help

for 21 år siden 0 364 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Outlaw, We tend to focus into catastrophic thinking over any ailment. I was born with my heart murmur/MVP, diagnosed when went for major surgery at age 7 by a cardiologist (surgery wasnt heart related, but they do work-ups prior to anesthesia,etc. Anyway, the precautions with penicillin, amoxicillin didnt come about till around 10 years ago when seeing a dentist having MVP. You may or may not have MVP, since one of two doctors hears the click, the other doesnt. Mine has since been heard by generally all doctors I have ever been too. But to ease your mind some, prior to requirement that dentist must ask if has MVP or heart murmurs, I had braces when I was 11, which required monthly visits, and extraction of teeth, and wisdom teeth after the braces, all this during the time when NO penicillin was required. I am 41 years old now, have had panic disorder off and on for 13 years. Upon my first attack, I too, focused on my heart, because it raced, and palpitated so badly during my attacks, I thought sure it was going to give me a heart attack, I had the shortness of breath with attacks too. It obessed me so much I paid out of pocket to a cardiologist to see if I had damage, anything, I was 28 at the time. Everything was ok, still the benign heart murmur. If you have had an EKG done, it would have picked up irregular T waves, etc. if you have any heart related problems going on now. Basically once you get that last tooth out, and then over the amoxicillin, you will let this pass too. Trish
for 21 år siden 0 433 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
ok maybe i took it wrong,but i saw a shrink yesterday,and have been seeing one the last 4 years..i really doubt it my heart but its the impending doom that sits over me..the dr that diagnosed me with mvp heard it through a scope,this dr said that isnt right and didnt hear a click..on the mvp topic,if things went wrong like infection it would be more like temperture and symptoms like that right?im worried because ive had bad teeth for 4-5 years maybe it messed up my heart?i dunno,i just got back from grocery store and could hardly fill out the check im so caught up you know...before this i had stomach cancer,and beore that barretts because of heartburn,thing is each one of these illnesses stop once i get a new one..i think its a way for it to survive,i still worry though..
for 21 år siden 0 364 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Outlaw, I think you misinterepted Melanie's post. We use the program to keep our own records to show the doctors if we are indeed making progress, and if not what can THEY do to help us. I also have MVP, and have to take penicillin upon every visit to the dentist, general cleaning, prior to and after ALWAYS. So I see your apprehension. Does the charity clinic or can they, use the information you record here and print out to seek therapy we often refer to as cognitive behavioral therapy, etc. to get the "what if thoughts" addressed. There are many clinics such as comphrensive care, that is done of a sliding scale base, and if you are flat broke, you pay nothing, but you will be headed in the right direction. Your regular doctor can only give you a diagnosis and prescribe medication to help the anxiety. But to help our constant worrying, a general doctor can't address the therapy issues to learn and teach correct breathing techniques, and listen to our anxiety concerns. By no means did I view Melanies post as trying to get you to see the doctor again, but to give it to someone in the medical field to direct you to a counselor or therapist. We all to well know how scary going thru surgeries, starting new medicines, worrying over a simple dentist visit can be extremely anxiety ridden for us. Trish
for 21 år siden 0 433 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
now i realize mel,you are just trying to be nice sayng go back to the doc etc..i have no insurance so i go to the local charity type clinic its donated by a Church..she ran a ekg monday,and listned to my heart and looked at my fingers for what she was looking for brusies..i agree with what pamela wrote but at the same time im likw what if this isnt anxiety..when i first got anxiety i wore a 24 hr monitor came back fine..that was like 4 years ago..know im 24,and worried again this is crazy..i think the reason i worry so much is the whole teeth and mvp,thing but one dr in my whole life picked it up with a scope mind you..this dr heard no such click,and the ultrasound would be to costly,and i doubt the dr would ok when she so how high strung i was you know..i dont think she intrested in this topic after her evaluation im still scared you know..im lost you know..
for 21 år siden 0 183 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
outlaw, if you went to the doctor and she ran tests on you and said everything is fine then you've got to try to relax about the pains you are having. If the doctor felt there was the slightest chance that you have something serious she would have told you. but she said you have a pulled muscle or are having symptoms because of anxiety. I know how scary it is, because I have had the same kinds of symptoms, and once you focus all of your attention on something and your anxiety level goes up it only makes the pain worse. Maybe you should go back to your doctor and let her know that you are experiencing alot of anxiety and ask if she could prescribe an SSRI like paxil, zoloft or lexapro.These medications can help to put your mind back on the right track so that you can focus on the panic program and reading materials about anxiety and how to work through it. Hope you feel better soon.
for 21 år siden 0 1521 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good Morning Outlaw, If you are still having these pains then I would go back to your doctor. If you feel they are a sign of panic then you have to differentiate your panic attacks from this chest pain. You are probably asking yourself how right? Try using our €œPanic Diary€ to the left of this screen. After you have a week completed take the diary to your doctor. He/she can look over your progress and maybe see a trend that you have been experiencing and maybe a plan of action will occur. We hope that you will find an answer to your questions Outlaw. Please keep us posted. Take care, Melanie
for 21 år siden 0 433 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
i had a topic i wrote a few days ago..ive been having chest discomfort/tightness for 4 montha off and on now..it all started with a infected tooth ive been on amoxcil off and on,that used to seem to help it actually so i figured it was all in my head..i got 2 teeth removed i got one more to go..the pain is usually on the far lest side of my rib cage and is tender to the touch in area..i wonder if its my heart im only 24 but im scared..i went to shrink today he just didnt seemed intrested..im on xanax 4 times a day..went to family dr on monday,and she listned to my heart and ran a ekg...my blood pressure is also normal...she said i was fine pulled muscle maybe and anxiety..im scared anyone help?

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