i wouldnt worry like that im 24 im a hypochondriac lol..i used to drink alot when i first got anxiety because i felt normal when i was buzzing the day after i know what you mean..as far as the dr thing i feel ya on that too,me im afaraid of drs to but i make myself go its eithier wworry about dying or have them tell u fine right?anyways i try to say to myself get busy dying or get busy living..i would rather live im sure you will feel better tomorrow lay off the sauce i love it but i aint drank in 10 months holllaa..
I agree with Trish, jmodge. Alchohol and recreational drugs are a no-no when it comes to this disorder....they may also cause an even more intense reaction when they mix with the meds you may be taking.
Alcohol is proven to magnify the anxiety of panic, therefore suffering from a generalized hangover, you feel icky and the catastrophic thinking kicks in. Best bet is to try to stay away from partying hard with alcohol.
I just wondered how much drinking affects anxiety and panic sufferers. I went out with my fiance last night and we partied a little to hard and I feel like **** today. My head feels heavy and I have that feeling of being unattached and unreality. It makes me think that something must really be wrong with me and that maybe its not really anxiety and panic but something more serious like leukemia or breast cancer. I am only 27 and I dont have a history of these diseases in my family so I dont know why I am so freaked out about it. I have been doing pretty good the last couple of days since I went to see a counselor but today I am having alot of symptoms and generally feeling very icky. I am terrified to go to the regular dr because I am afraid it is something serious and that they will tell me that I am dying from something. Please help me!!!! Thanks