Thanks for the reply. Good luck with your tests. Everything will most likely be fine. I've had weird palpatations too. Mine felt like my heart flipped in my throat. I was told this was due to stress. Now that I have been back on my zoloft for about 4 weeks, the racing heart has significantly slowed down. My heart use to beat around 90-100 times a minute at rest and now it is between 70-80. Do you take any meds for your anxiety? If you don't, maybe that is the ticket! ;p :p
Smiley, I actually have had the same tests as you. They said my heart was fine too but I just can't believe them because sometimes it just races even when I am not anxious and I always get weird beats and palpitations. I am going back to the cardiologist next month and recently had blood work done to rule out a bacterial infection in the lining of my heart! I get the results tommorrow and I'm quite nervous about that.
Good for you for moving around more lately- hopefully you'll be back to exercising soon. I know it's great for anxiety if you can handle it.
Good luck,
I hate it too!!! Ugghh! I went to the cardiologist and they put a halter monitor on me for 24 hours and I had an echocardiogram to see if my racing heart was anxiety related or something else. They assured me that my heart is fine so I haven't worried that much about it. I have started moving around alot more lately. Maybe if you could receive this assurance, it would help you! I know what you mean about exercising 5 days a week. I use to do the same thing. With a little hope, maybe we'll get back to it!! Good Luck!! ;p
I have this exact same symptom and I really hate it because I used to work out hard 5 days a week before.
Now I am scared of doing anything that gets my heart rate up as most of my anxiety lately is around my heart. I am worried that my heart has been through so much stress and anxiety that it will not be able to handle any more. Even though I know exercise is great for your heart, I just can't stand the feeeling of my heart beating fast anymore. I am so scared I will be exercising alone and I'll go into cardiac arrest or something. Ugh! hate this anxiety!!
I'm glad you understand what I feel!!!! I thought I was crazy or something. You know what is really weird - today I had so much energy and cleaned my house like a "crazy woman" and went shopping most of the day and even ran to the car because it was cold out and never once did I notice my heart beating fast. But, now tomorrow could be another story. Weird, huh??? This just proves that it's all in my head!! Take care and keep posting!! ;)
I still get that sense of normality when someone posts something and I read it and go....NO WAY someone else feels that too. I can't excersise either, actually I can't do too much that will increase my heart rate (depending on when it is and who I am with) I LOVE the feeling you get after a good work out but I haven't been able to do that for gosh well over a year. Anyways, glad to hear that I am not the only one.
I think this is less a form of OCD and more a fear of the panic symptoms. Don't worry, I feel the same way when I lift weights. The symptoms diminish - and an increased heartrate during exercise is good for you!
I can relate to your fear of exercise. I feel the same way at times. Sometimes just the thought of having to get up and do household chores will send me into a panic attack because I am afraid my heart rate will increase. But, just as you said, if I do it without actually thinking about it I can get through it just fine. I have always been a very active person. The bad part for me is that I am a neat freak. I will panic if my house is a mess, and panic at the thought of cleaning it. However, I have been through this same thing a few times before. It will pass after a while. I just try not to give in to the fear and go on with the things that have to be done. I wish you the best of luck.
Is anyone afraid to exercise for fear of something happening to their hearts? Is this a form of Panic or OCD?? Some days I can exercise with no problems and other days just walking up a flight of stairs will send me into a panic because I feel as if my heart is beating to hard and I'm short of breath. On the days when I do exercise and feel fine, about an hour or two afterwards I'll think: "hey, I exercised and didn't even realize my heart rate increasing and I never panicked". Is this weird or what??