I've talked to my counselor about these feelings. I also have them after the sudden loss of my father to a heart attack in August '03. What she told me is that its the fear of the unknown. I too have aweful thoughts of heart attack, cancer...etc. I've even been to the ER....thinking I was going to have a heart attack. They are rotten thoughts, and somedays I feel like I'm not going to make it to the next day, its usually at night when I go to bed. Or I'll say....if this or that happens it must be a sign that something bad is going to happen. They are certainly scary, and more than likely unrealistic. When I start to have them I try and talk myself out of it, call a friend, or start praying. I'm sorry that I can't offer a cure....I'm still looking for one myself! I can certainly relate to what you are going thru....and to say the least it really stinks. Keep smilin'....try to anyways! Keep In Touch!